Dr. Katy E. Marre is Professor Emerita and former Associate Vice President for Graduate Studies & Research at the University of Dayton. Her distinguished academic experience includes developing, coordinating, organizing, and reviewing programs and proposals dealing with issues within Graduate Studies & Research. Examples include originating the idea and co-authoring the initiative to name a Graduate School at the University of Dayton. Dr. Marre worked with the university's academic departments to develop three new Ph.D. programs, three new master’s programs, and several certificate programs. She chaired and administered the evaluation of the Graduate Student Summer Research Fellowships for 17 years and faculty research grants for four years. Dr. Marre planned and established GRANTLIB, a grants locating service for faculty at the university, which customizes a faculty research interest database for all faculty. She has published and presented on matters concerning James Joyce, Robert Frost, William Wordsworth, higher education accreditation, and graduate program development, including graduate assessment.
Representing the University of Dayton, Dr. Marre served on the Ohio Board of Regents Advisory Committee on Graduate Study from 1983-2004, and reviewed and voted on several doctoral (Ph.D. and professional) and master’s programs from both public and private universities in the State of Ohio. As regular member of committee, she participated in drafting state-wide guidelines and procedures for off-campus programs and entry level graduate education. She was a member of the Task Force on Graduate Workshop Credit offered by Ohio public and public universities and a member of the task force which drew up criteria for Ohio Board of Regents state-wide doctoral and professional program review. She was responsible for designing and conducting an Inventory of Doctoral Programs in Institutions of Higher Education in the State of Ohio and reports to make this large body of information available in usable format for the state-wide review of doctoral programs. She chaired the revision of Guidelines for the Review of State University Doctoral Programs and Chaired the Ohio Board of Regents Advisory Committee on Graduate Study (RACGS) from 2002-03. She has consulted with the Ohio Board of Regents Secondary to College Articulation Committee, and was formally recognized in 2004 by the Ohio Board of Regents for her service to the committee.
Since 2004, Dr. Marre has served as a member of the Board of Trustees of the American Public University System, and has served as Chair of its Academic Affairs Committee. Dr. Marre’s service on various other boards includes:
- Member of the Board of Trustees of The Source for Learning, a not-for-profit Learning Technologies Corporation, 2016.
- Public Member of the Board of Directors of the Accrediting Board of Engineering and Technology (ABET), serving as member of its Admission Committee, Global Council, Nominating Committee, Public Member Committee, and Strategic Planning Task Force, 2005 - 2015. In 2016 she continues as member of its Global Council.
- Elected Public Director to the ABET Board of Directors Accreditation Board for Engineering and Technology (ABET), November, 2010.
- Public Member of Committee on Accreditation for the American Library Association (ALA), 2004-2008.
- Six years as a member of the Objectives and Purposes Committee of the Board of Trustees of the University of Dayton.
- Two years as a member of the Board of Directors of the Council of Graduate Schools.
- Member of the Midwest Association of Graduate Schools and Chair of the Association, 1999.
- Five years as the single external member to the Academic Council of Walden University, Minneapolis, MN, a distance learning institution.
- Four years as a Board of Trustees member of the Institute for Clinical Social Work in Chicago.
- Public Member of the Accreditation of the American Library Association, 2004-2008.
Dr. Marre’s work with accreditation includes serving as a member and chair of the Higher Learning Commission (HLC). She is also a peer reviewer for the HLC, serving as team member and team chair for over 54 accreditation visits. She has been a conductor of mentoring sessions for new peer reviewers and self-study in the HLC Professional Development Program at the 1993, 1996, 1997, and 1998 annual meetings of the HLC in Chicago. Dr. Marre has presented at the 2000, 2003, and 2004 annual meetings of the HLC, with seminars on such topics as “Conducting the Self-Study Process and Writing the Report for Initial Candidacy.” She is a member of the HLC Academic Quality Improvement Program (AQIP) Admission Panel and chaired the Reaffirmation of Accreditation process for the AQIP in 2007-2008. In April 2007, Dr. Marre received the Distinguished Service Award from the HLC. Dr. Marre has also done accreditation visits for the Western Association of Schools and Colleges and program reviews for the American Osteopathic Association.
Other professional ventures for Dr. Marre include the establishment and chairing of the session on James Joyce at the Midwest Modern Language Association, chair of the Midwestern Association of Graduate Schools evaluating twenty-five master’s theses, and examiner and senior examiner for the Ohio Award for Excellence and Examiner for Malcolm Baldrige National Quality Award Programs. Dr. Marre was a Danforth Fellow, co-sponsoring two funded proposals to the Danforth College Project Fund. She is an invited consultant to associations and institutions requesting guidance in governance, organizational structure, accreditation, faculty development, student academic achievement, and graduate and research programs.
Dr. Marre earned a B.A. degree at Sophia College, University of Bombay, an M.A. degree from Wilson College, University of Bombay, attended Bryn Mawr College, and received a Ph.D. from the State University of New York at Buffalo. She attended the Summer Institute for Women in Higher Administration at Bryn Mawr College, a selected, four-week residential program with units in academic environment, external environment, institutional environment, and professional development.