"I wanted to have the flexibility to study while continuing to do my job leading a nonprofit organization in 56 countries. By attending AMU, I have been able to discover and discuss new instances and learn new perspectives on how I can tackle human rights issues, using applied knowledge from actual perspectives."
APUS Student Community
Active students
*Active student count does not include students in a doctoral program.
Average age
Working Adults
Referred by Others
Students under the age of 24
Graduates from more than 80 countries
Conferred degrees and certificates
Top 11% Return on Investment
American Public University System ranked in the Top 11% for return on educational investment, compared to 4,500 colleges and universities in the United States, according to the Georgetown University Center on Education and the Workforce report.
Students by School
- Arts, Humanities & Education: 20%
- Business: 29%
- Health Sciences: 15%
- STEM: 12%
- Security & Global Studies: 24%
Students by Race/Ethnicity
- American Indian or Alaskan native: 1%
- Asian: 3%
- Black or African American: 17%
- Hispanic or Latino: 20%
- Multiple: 5%
- Native Hawaiian or other Pacific Islander: 1%
- Non resident alien: 1%
- White/Caucasian: 45%
- Unknown: 8%
Students by Affiliation
- Active Duty: 66%
- Civilian: 10%
- Military Dependent/Other: 1%
- Military Spouse: 3%
- National Guard: 4%
- Reservists: 4%
- Veteran: 12%
Meet Our Students
Tuition Per Credit Hour
Undergraduate Cost Per Credit
Standard Rate
Standard Rate
Master's Degree & Graduate Certificate
Standard Rate
Standard Rate
91% of respondents to the End of Program survey said they were satisfied with the education they received at APUS. *
*based on over 2500 responses to an optional 2023 survey after students completed their programs.
University Specialized Accreditation
Top 10 Best Online Schools
We are dedicated to offering high-quality, affordable, and workforce-relevant education to our students. That's why we've been named one of the top 10 online colleges by ZDNet.
Students by Degree Level
Associate degree
Bachelor's degree
Master's degree
Certificate & other
Average Class Size
- Undergraduate: 18 students
- Master’s and Graduate Certificate: 10 students
Degree & Certificate Programs
- Associate degrees: 25
- Bachelor's degrees: 55
- Undergraduate certificates: 38
- Master's degrees: 44
- Graduate certificates: 46
- Doctoral degrees: 2
- Total degrees: 124
- Total certificates: 84
- Total NanoCerts: 24
- Total programs: 232
Faculty & Staff Information
- Faculty: 1,759
- Full-time faculty: 328
- Part-time faculty:1,431
- Faculty members reside in local area: 121
- Staff members reside in local area: 294
- Full-time faculty with terminal degree in their field: 77%
- Average tenure: 8.65 years
- Faculty awards/distinctions: 50
- Faculty publications: 107
Faculty and staff information is current as of September 30, 2024.
All other data is current as of June 30, 2024.
Pursuing Carbon Neutrality: Our University’s Commitment
In a world where environmental responsibility is paramount, American Public University System (APUS) leads by example, championing carbon neutrality through our educational model.