Work for a University that Cares

Make a difference in a student’s life. Many of our students serve our country, both in the military and public sector. Most have full-time careers and families. Share your knowledge, passions, and experience and help our students grow, work, and learn. Our teaching excellence, commitment to our students, and faculty support, are all at the top of our list. For the second year in a row, the university was recognized as Top-Five Value Choice in the 2017 Washington Monthly College Rankings. At APUS we have a commitment to our local community and green initiatives. APUS renovated and remodeled numerous buildings on our Campus in Charles Town, WV several of which are LEED certified. APUS donated cutting-edge meteorology systems from WeatherSTEM to three local schools helping them grow, work, and learn.

100% online, courses start monthly and are offered in 8- and 16-week formats. Faculty members connect to our virtual campus and Sakai Learning Management System remotely from their home location.

Undergraduate Instructors must hold a minimum of a master's degree from a regionally accredited institution, or a master's degree with a minimum of 18 semester hours in the discipline they wish to teach. Other requirements may apply. Graduate level faculty must hold a terminal (doctoral) degree in the respective discipline.

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Part-time Faculty Benefits:

  • Flexible Work Hours
  • Paid Sick Leave
  • Retirement Savings Plan (401K)
  • Employee Stock Purchase Plan (ESPP)
  • Employee Assistance Program
  • Discounted Tuition
  • Professional Development Opportunities

Full-time Faculty Benefits:

  • Paid Vacation
  • Eleven (11) Paid Holidays Including Three (3) Floating Holidays
  • Paid Sick Leave
  • Flexible work hours
  • Retirement Savings Plan (401K) with Employer Match
  • Employee Stock Purchase Plan (ESPP)
  • Discounted Tuition
  • Professional Development Opportunities
  • Group Medical Insurance
  • Group Dental Insurance
  • Group Vision Insurance
  • Company Paid & Voluntary Life Insurance
  • Company Paid Disability Insurance (Short and Long-Term)
  • Company Paid Accidental Death & Dismemberment Insurance
  • Voluntary Life Insurance for Employees, Spouses, and Children
  • Employee Assistance Program
  • Medical Health Savings Account
  • Nationwide Pet Insurance
  • Hyatt Legal
  • Medical Flexible Spending Account
  • Dependent Care Spending Account
  • Universal Life Policies with Long Term CareRider

Faculty FAQs

Application Process

How soon after I apply will my application be reviewed?

Your application will be reviewed within approximately two to four weeks of receipt. If further information is requested, or when a decision has been rendered, a representative from American Public University System (APUS) will reach out to you. In the meantime, you are welcome to contact us at with any questions or concerns you may have.

How do I update my application presence (User Profile)?

When you originally apply, you will be asked to create a presence with a username (email address) and password. To update your presence, or apply for a new position of interest, you may log into your presence on the APUS Career Portal.

How often do faculty positions become available?

We update the Career Portal frequently with new positions, so please check back often.

Qualifications and Equipment

What are the qualifications I need to possess to be considered for a faculty position?

Undergraduate instructors must hold a minimum of a master's degree from a regionally accredited institution, with a minimum of 18 semester hours in the discipline they wish to teach. Field experience and other requirements may apply. Graduate level faculty must hold a terminal degree in the respective discipline. Job descriptions will list educational and background requirements.

What type of software or equipment will I need to teach at APUS?

All faculty members must maintain necessary utilities, equipment, and services including without limitation the following: computer, electrical, telephone, and high-speed internet. The faculty member shall be responsible for all costs associated with these utilities and services. Furthermore, the faculty member shall be responsible for providing all furnishings at the work site. APUS shall not be responsible for any other operating costs, utility costs, home maintenance, property or liability insurance or other expenses associated with the work site. APUS shall not be responsible for any damages to the employee’s property that may result from the telecommuting relationship. For technical requirements, please click the following link:

Onboarding and Training

How do I learn more about APUS?

Visit American Public University System, and its two institutions, American Public University and American Military University.

How long does the faculty hiring process take?

On average the faculty hiring process takes approximately four to six months from application to hired status. This includes the time for review of application, faculty candidate training, submission of official transcripts, etc.

Will I receive training?

All faculty candidates participate in an asynchronous two week, unpaid, online training course. The course covers the history of American Public University System (APUS), an introduction to our learning management system (LMS) platform, tips and tools for setting up your classroom, policies for teaching at APUS, and a chance to meet and network with other faculty candidates. The course typically requires five hours of participation per week.

Will I be required to submit official transcripts?

All faculty candidates are required to submit official transcripts for all graduate level degrees and/or coursework, delivered directly from their alma mater(s) to APUS Faculty Hiring Department.

Will I be required to obtain a foreign transcript evaluation for my foreign degree(s)?

All faculty candidates selected to proceed in the hiring process with conferred degrees from foreign institution(s) will require a course-by-course evaluation completed by a National Association of Credential Evaluation Services (NACES) approved agency (e.g. World Education Services). All charges associated with official transcripts and foreign transcript evaluations are the responsibility of the candidate and are not reimbursed by APUS.

Will I be required to shadow a current course?

Most schools and/or programs will require new faculty members to participate in faculty shadowing prior to receiving a course assignment of their own. This is for the benefit of the new faculty member, as well as the students.

What to Expect as a Faculty Member

How much do APUS faculty members get paid?

Part-time faculty members are compensated biweekly at a rate totaling $136.50 per undergraduate student and $157.50 per graduate student. Full-time faculty are salaried employees.

How many students will I teach per year?

Part-time faculty members may teach a maximum of 250 annual registrations in a calendar year. No minimum number of registrations, classes, sections, or unique courses are promised to part-time faculty. Full-time faculty members teach an average of 450 students each year, with a minimum of 400 students and a maximum of 600 annual registrations per calendar year. Teaching load is defined in each full-time faculty member's work plan objective for the respective calendar year. Class sizes average 15 students, with a 25 student maximum.

How are courses delivered to the students?

100% of courses taught are in an online/remote, asynchronous format using a Learning Management System (LMS).

Does APUS have a traditional semester calendar?

We have a rolling academic year that is different from traditional institutions, which typically operate on an academic year normally defined by fall and spring semesters. At APUS, courses start each month and are offered in 8- and 16-week formats. Students may take a combination of 8- and 16-week classes and may overlap class starts to fit their individual schedules.

What duties can I expect as an APUS faculty member?

Faculty are expected to set up their classroom within the LMS two weeks prior to the course start date. Instructors organize the syllabus, facilitate weekly discussions and student participation using discussion boards, grade all exams and assignments within five days of the due date, and respond to all student emails within 48 hours. Typically, part-time faculty members do not engage in course development work; however, limited opportunities for course development work may exist on an as needed basis.

How many hours per week will I need to devote to part-time teaching?

Faculty members are required to be actively engaged in the classroom at least every other day, including one (1) day on the weekend. Part-time faculty members may teach up to, but not exceed 250 annual registrations in a calendar year. No minimum number of registrations, classes, sections, or unique course(s) are promised to part-time faculty.

What duties can I expect as a full-time faculty member?

Full-time faculties are expected to participate in faculty meetings and consider APUS their primary employer. Full-time faculty members are directly involved with curriculum and course development, student advising, scholarship, and/or administrative tasks associated with their programs of study, including additional responsibilities that support our mission, vision, and core values assigned by their School Dean or Department Chair.

How many unique courses will I teach each year?

All faculty members, regardless of status, will teach no more than a maximum of ten (10) unique course subjects in a given calendar year.

Are faculty required to participate in professional development workshops?

Full-time faculty members are required to complete at least two professional development workshops and part-time faculty are required to complete at least one professional development workshop. Workshops are offered through our Center for Teaching and Learning and are designed to improve teaching excellence (philosophy, methods, and skills). In addition to LMS resources, the CTL also provides faculty workshops throughout the year in everything from teaching pedagogy to dynamic tools in the classroom.

How is my work as a faculty member assessed by APUS and my Department Chair?

Faculty members are assessed on teaching excellence, academic integrity, accountability, dependability, time management, Community of Inquiry (COI) framework, end of course survey, and other variables that support our mission, vision, and core values.

Who is the typical student?

Approximately 70% of APUS students are active or reserve component military personnel. The civilian students include teachers, government employees, government contractors and law enforcement officials. 89% of APUS students are adult continuing education learners who hold full-time positions within their profession. The average student age is 32 years old and 57% are pursing a Bachelor's degree.

Contact Us

Faculty Recruitment

877-468-6268 ext. 5469

Staff Recruitment
